There are simply a lot of reasons why a PC starts to slow down. Sad to say, it is common for PCs to be filled with junk files. This is one of the main reasons why you will often notice a computer that starts to bog down while it gets older. There are simply a lot of ways to clean out the clutter and bring back your computer to its good condition.
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1.Use Anti-Virus
It is recommended to just utilize an anti-virus. There are lots of malicious objects that fly online. If your computer gets connected online, these objects will now start to attack on your PC resulting to security threat. In order to secure against them, install an anti-virus on your PC which is deemed as the only solution.
2.Is Your Hard Disk Full?
If you have used up a lot of space on your hard disk, you need to
remove some unneeded applications and data such as your photos and
videos you have downloaded.
After you have freed up your hard disk space, run the utility Disk
If you are using Windows XP, this application is at Accessories…System
Tools…Disk Defragmenter. This will reorganize the space on your hard
disk so that it will process data quicker.
3.Get Rid of Desktop Wallpaper 
Another important thing that a lot of people have no idea of is that desktop wallpaper is such a huge drain on memory. This is especially because wallpaper pictures can be deceptively big, like in the terms of file size. A one megapixel wallpaper picture can bring a huge drain in all your computer resources.
4.Clean Up the Registry
Clean your PC if you want it to perform at the highest levels. Do you know that the windows registry is one of the biggest causes of computer issues among Windows PCs? A lot of people do not know that they have a registry let which bring out all those issues.
The windows registry is most likely to get cluttered with obsolete and empty registry folders and files. These obsolete could cause the PC to bog down while it attempts to read and re-read them.
Good thing, getting rid of the clutter from your computer registry is an easy task. It is also one of the most efficient ways to speed up a slow PC. Make use of the registry repair software to do the task which will only take a couple of minutes.
5.Remove Unnecessary Programs
It is very important to get rid of unwanted programs from your PC. A lot of times, computer users often download programs and install them onto the PC. Often times, you hardly use the programs. A software program on your PC not just takes up space. It also checks for updates. The program might also start up once the window started in. Thus, your PC performance slows down. Because of this, it is highly recommended to get rid of the programs that you no longer use.
Defragmenting your hard drive is an essential way to fix a slow PC. At the time of setting up programs and saving files on your computer, programs are also being fragmented. And when your hard drive isn’t organized precisely, it will even take a longer time to accomplish the job. To fix the issue, you must run on the Disk Defragmenter tool at least once a week.
6.Clean Up Your Desktop
Desktop icons could suck up lots of resources. This will cause your PC to run a little bit on its sluggish side. This is particularly true to PC with such a lower memory. Clean up all those icons and then enjoy a remarkable speed and a less hang-up.
So, the next time you experience a slow working PC, try to solve it by following any of these tips!